Workshop Jigéen laa ci laa bokk

Workshop Jigéen laa ci laa bokk

On Wednesday July 1st and Thursday July 2nd, 2023, the Centre Kiné Diop, Melokaan and Nit Tekna Logik collaborated to organize a workshop for students of CEM-Dalifort. The aim was to reflect on the roles socially associated with women, and to find out whether they agree or disagree with these roles.
We didn’t want to do a round-table discussion, but a participatory workshop, so with the facilitation of Moussa Thiam – “Kalamou” we ran this workshop where the students worked in groups, from discussing the idea to creating a short sketch, reflecting their idea of the future imaginaries for women.

The response from the students was very participative and positive, so we hope to be able to continue these workshops in the near future.

You can view a video summary of the workshops.