Cycle of panels & workshops IDÉES

Raising awareness of the impact of electronic waste is becoming increasingly urgent. In its 2024 edition, the Global E-Waste Monitor predicts that 62 billion tonnes of e-waste will be produced by 2022 and 82 billion tonnes by 2030, of which only about 20% will be recycled. The production of e-waste involves different actors and issues, which we want to address […]

Festival Women in Exile « No borders, No lagers », intersectional arts & culture – 2024

This summer Nit Tekna Logik, together with Centre Kiné Diop, was invited to Women in Exile’s Festival No borders, No lagers, intersectional arts & culture festival. The festival took place between the 23rd and 25th August 2024 in Oranienplatz, Berlin (Germany).The goal of the festival is to stand against racism, sexism and discrimination against refugee women and children, in particular […]

Conversation on the impact of e-waste on the environment and health

On Friday 5 July 2024 we celebrated the panel conversation La TASSE des IDÉES, part of the IDÉES project, impact of electronic waste on the environment and health. It took place at Karibu, a reception and accommodation space for African defenders of dialogue meetings, knowledge production and knowledge about citizen movements. The motivation for setting up this conversation was to […]

Future imaginations workshop Dakar 2024

On Saturday 18 May, Nit Tekna Logik organised a workshop entitled ‘Imagining the future’ with GIE Ngare Yone, a group of women from Hann Capa, as part of the Heinrich Böll Foundation Senegal’s sustainable urban development project. The workshop lasted all day, starting at 9.30am with a group of 16 women, an intergenerational group that included schoolchildren, university students, shopkeepers […]