
Article rédigé en espagnol et et publié dans El Salto diario dans lequel nous nous concentrons sur un seul des nombreux aspects que nous considérons comme faisant partie du techno-colonialisme, le concept de territoire, de citoyenneté et de gouvernance.

Cyberactivism. On political and social uses of the net

In 2006, Ciberactivismo. Sobre usos políticos y sociales de la red, a book that brings together different texts compiled and written expressly for this book, carried out by ROE (Reunión de Ovejas Electrónicas) published by Virus and edited by Jordi Claramonte and Carolina García.This work is the continuation of the already mythical Manual de guerrilla de la Comunicación which for […]

Organic cities

Pre-print available: García Cataño, C. (in press) Organic cities. In J. Ramos & B. Dahiya (Eds.), Planetary Cities: Future-hacking the Urban. Springer To my father who so often takes me for a walk in the future AbstractThis text aims to contribute to the creation of a new imaginary of planetary cities, as well asprovides references to existing theories and experiences of […]

Hacklabs to technological cooperatives

Download text or complete book Techno-political collectives mix technical and political concerns. A perfect example is Riseup which defines its mission as a provider of online communication tools for people and groups working on liberatory social change. We are a project to create democratic alternatives and practice self-determination by controlling our own secure means of communications . Nowadays the field […]

Transmediale: Broken Thoughts

    What are the limits of acting in solidarity and a progressive liberal vision of the world? Of living an activist life? In today’s heated debates, who speaks for whom and from where at what moment matters, something that the Western liberal world is just starting to learn in what could be understood as necessary project of decolonial re-education. […]

What moves you? – Transmediale 2019

The following text has been drafted on the basis of the notes made for the participation in the closing event of Transmediale 2019, as invited participant to study circle Uneasy alliances What moves you? During Transmediale we’ve been dealing with the uneasiness as well as affections, our current lives are full of ambiguities, contradictions, feelings of discomfort and we are […]

Mamá, me ha salido un bit!!

Este es un artículo parte del libro 15MP2P. Una mirada transdisciplinar del 15M, como resultado del Encuentro transdisciplinar 15MP2P celebrado a principios de julio de 2013. Iniciativa llevada a cabo desde el grupo de investigación “Redes, Movimientos y Tecnopolítica” del IN3/UOC y en colaboración con la red DatAnalyisis15M, con la idea que era un buen momento para generar un encuentro […]