Thinking technology
Future imaginations

Future imaginations

We are witnessing a kind of global collapse, from climate change, to the crisis of representative democracies, to the intrusion of technology into people’s private lives, fake news, or COVID19 pandemic. There are no articulated answers to this global collapse, that can show a clear path to follow.

Technological solutionism wants to create the illusion everything can be solve through one-click, artificial intelligence will run over human intelligence and 1984 or Brave New World postulates will be overtaken by an immediate present.

In parallel millions of micro imaginary futures are taking place, the view of how things should look like is shifting and the definitions given as only truths are changing.

For this reason, we believe it is essential to open up spaces for reflection where we can share these future imaginations, our collectivised imaginations, in order to create a common ground that recognizes diversity, the multiple and the networks from which we can create a common future.

We propose creative workshops, to put in common those imaginations and build a new narrative for future societies.

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