Economie sociale et solidaire
Free technologies and social and solidarity economy

Free technologies and social and solidarity economy

The Global Forum for Social and Solidarity Economy, organized by the GSEF, took place from May 1 to 6, 2023. The GSEF (Global Forum for Social and Solidarity Economy) is an international organization of local governments and civil society networks committed to promoting the social and solidarity economy (SSE) as a means of achieving inclusive and sustainable local development.

This year, the GSEF took place for the first time in Africa, in Dakar (Senegal). Over 3,000 people attended the week-long event, taking part in workshops, plenary sessions and self-managed sessions(check the program).

Nit Tekna Logik’s presentation, Les technologies libres et l’économie sociale et solidaire (Open technologies and the social economy), showed how another economic model, different from that of BigTech, can be implemented in the context of the social economy.

What’s more, the free technology business model has had an impact on other fields, such as the cultural sector, most notably Creative Commons.
We have presented a few success stories, published in the book “The power of Open”.

You can watch a video summary of the GSEF forum made by LTC (La Télé Citoyenne).