OFF of the Biennial 2024: the TASSE of IDEES and the Cebu e-jen performance

OFF of the Biennial 2024: the TASSE of IDEES and the Cebu e-jen performance

On 13 November 2024 we celebrated the second edition of La TASSE des IDEES, a panel conversation on the taste of e-waste with M- Soumaré from Sénegal Numerique, Eva García Vazquez professor from the University of Oviedo Spain. Moderated by Carolina García Nit Tekna Logik, followed by the Cebu e-jen performance with Anael Nkeoua dit Prince Art.
This time we looked at the impact of electronic waste on the food chain.

A year ago, we read Eva García Vazquez‘s work Oceanic Karma, which explains how the fish caught off the coast of West Africa, in the region of Ghana, contaminated by electronic waste from the Agbogbloshie landfill site, is the same as that found in Spanish supermarkets. Thanks to her work, we got in touch with her and established a collaboration that enabled us to count on her for this panel.

We were also lucky enough to have Mr Soumare, operations manager and trainer in the D3E section of Sénegal Numérique, who helped us to understand some of the effects on the food chain as well as the economic opportunities that exist in recovering metals through electronic waste.
Finally, Prince Art put on a performance entitled Cebu e-jen, which aimed to highlight the impact of e-waste on fish, rice and all the ingredients that make up Cebu jen, a Senegalese dish that is a World Heritage Site.