Workshop Jigéen laa ci laa bokk

On Wednesday July 1st and Thursday July 2nd, 2023, the Centre Kiné Diop, Melokaan and Nit Tekna Logik collaborated to organize a workshop for students of CEM-Dalifort. The aim was to reflect on the roles socially associated with women, and to find out whether they agree or disagree with these roles.We didn’t want to do a round-table discussion, but a […]

Mapping techno-colonialism

We have created a collaborative map to map Techno-colonialism.Through workshops we will identify what exactly is technocolonialism, and what is its territory. This map will be the reflection of the participatory research that will be done, where we will show from the e-waste dumps, the origin of the materials from which electronic devices are produced, where they are produced, who […]

Some thoughts that came out during the workshop Techno-colonialism

On Saturday July 8th, we conducted an online workshop as part of “Cuerpxs difusxs y parentescos distribuidos” in the framework of e-cuerpo: encuentro internacional de arte y tecnología wearable. During the workshop we had the presence of about 20 people, where we introduced the notion of technocolonialism as the intrusion of technology in a territory. But which territory has limits, […]