IMPACT23 Ecologies of attention

In November we will join the symposium IMPACT23 « Ecologies of attention ».It will take place in PACT Zollverein (Essen- Germany) between the 8th and 12thNovember.IMPACT is PACT’s yearly interactive symposium, and invites artists, practitioners, theoreticians and advanced students from the fields of dance, theatre, performance, visual arts, new media, film, music, architecture and other extended practices in art and […]

IDÉES – Impact of e-waste on the environment and health

We live in times where there are many challenges and it is difficult to decide from where to face them.Specialised training has been promoted, which isolated some areas of knowledge from others, but now we realise that there is no isolated knowledge, but that ones are connected with others, and all of them are necessary. The view has to be […]