Third edition of digital communication and project management training for artists and cultural actors – May 2024

Third edition of digital communication and project management training for artists and cultural actors – May 2024

Video summary

This year we ran the third edition of the Project Management and Digital Communication course, in collaboration with Kaddu Yaraax and thanks to the support of AECID (Spanish Cooperation Agency).

As every year, the aim is capacity building of artists and cultural agents in order to promote the formalisation and professionalisation of the Senegalese cultural sector by improving their project management and digital communication skills.

This time we decided to focus on actors in the field of theatre, due to the high demand for registrations from this sector, although we also had cultural actors from other domains as visual arts, rap and environmental.

This year we introduced a new feature, in response to the demand for follow-up from participants every year, and that was to accompany the 4 participants from the previous editions over the two weeks of the course, to help them write or improve their real projects.

The learning framework for the course is to create a space where we can all learn from each other, through sharing and collaboration. Through an interactive process, we adapt to the learning pace of the participants, and develop the content according to their own needs.

The aim of the course is to provide a theoretical grounding and put it into practice. We worked in groups where we developed the essential elements of developing a project or a website, and in each case, exercises were carried out to reinforce the learning process.

We introduced the concept of storytelling, which enables us to find the common thread running through the project we have developed to make it more attractive, as well as reflecting on how to convey the key concepts associated with the project.

Every year, we realise the importance of the personal development module, where we focus on the need for self-confidence, to enhance the talents and potential of each and every one of us, in order to realise our personal aspirations and dreams.

As with every edition, there was an atmosphere of cooperation and exchange between everyone – participants, participants from previous editions and trainers – which helped to expand the network of artists and cultural players created in the first edition, with the aim of resolving doubts and sharing calls for applications and resources around the content of the training course.

This year, we must highlight the commitment of all the registered participants, whose punctuality made it easy to respect the training content, and finally 24 participants received their certificates.

Given that all the participants are cultural professionals, belong to associations or are part of cultural enterprises, we expect a major direct impact on their own structures, and thus strengthen the Senegalese cultural sector.

On the final day, we organised an artistic workshop with the artist and actor Prince Art, to complete the training on stage presence, communication and body language.