IDÉES – Impact of e-waste on the environment and health

We live in times where there are many challenges and it is difficult to decide from where to face them.Specialised training has been promoted, which isolated some areas of knowledge from others, but now we realise that there is no isolated knowledge, but that ones are connected with others, and all of them are necessary. The view has to be […]

Microplastics in e-waste

On Wednesday 15 January, we organised a workshop on microplastics with Abdoulaye Sene and Carolina García Cataño. In this workshop, we wanted to tackle the issue of microplastics because they are little known and yet they have a major impact on the environment and health. We ended up talking about a continent of plastic in the Pacific Ocean, i.e. a […]

Techno-colonial map

On 11 December 2024, as the last activity of the year, we organised a workshop on the visualisation of the techno-colonial map. On this occasion, we wanted to introduce the notion of techno-colonialism, specifically linked to the extraction, production and transport of electronic waste. We always kept in mind the objective of creating links between the different stages of colonialism, […]

Forum du Développement Urbain Durable 2024.

Durant les jours du Forum Développement Urbain Durables (DUD) nous avons abordé des enjeux cruciaux pour l’avenir de notre environnement. La Fondation HEINRICH BOLL et ses partenaires (Nit Tekna Logik, Sama Vélo, Urbasen, Recyclor, AJE, Taraal, Zéro Déchet Sénégal, Sénégal Propre, Ker Thiossane, JVE, Teranga Lab) a réuni divers acteurs pour discuter et proposer des solutions innovantes. L’objectif du forum […]

Cycle of panels & workshops IDÉES

Raising awareness of the impact of electronic waste is becoming increasingly urgent. In its 2024 edition, the Global E-Waste Monitor predicts that 62 billion tonnes of e-waste will be produced by 2022 and 82 billion tonnes by 2030, of which only about 20% will be recycled. The production of e-waste involves different actors and issues, which we want to address […]