
Article rédigé en espagnol et et publié dans El Salto diario dans lequel nous nous concentrons sur un seul des nombreux aspects que nous considérons comme faisant partie du techno-colonialisme, le concept de territoire, de citoyenneté et de gouvernance.

Conversation on the impact of e-waste on the environment and health

On Friday 5 July 2024 we celebrated the panel conversation La TASSE des IDÉES, part of the IDÉES project, impact of electronic waste on the environment and health. It took place at Karibu, a reception and accommodation space for African defenders of dialogue meetings, knowledge production and knowledge about citizen movements. The motivation for setting up this conversation was to […]

Panel – Conversation La TASSE des IDÉES

Date: 5 juillet 2024 Heure: 16h Lieu: Karibu, rond-point Malibu Guediawaye Ce panel c’est une conversation entre les technologues, les scientifiques, les artistes et les entrepreneurs pour réfléchir sur IDÉES, l’impact des déchets électroniques dans l’environnement dans le métabolisme des êtres vivants et la santé.Cette conversation vous invite à un voyage pour co-créer une carte géographique et inter-échelle qui contribue […]

Sharing IDÉES visual campaign

Although the IDÉES project focuses on the impact of e-waste in Senegal, we want to invite everyone to share our visual campaign, since it’s the same effects everywhere and something everyone should be aware of. IDÉES wants to reach people globally, as e-waste travels around the globe, from the extraction of raw materials in the global south, to massive production […]

IMPACT23 Ecologies of attention

In November we will join the symposium IMPACT23 « Ecologies of attention ».It will take place in PACT Zollverein (Essen- Germany) between the 8th and 12thNovember.IMPACT is PACT’s yearly interactive symposium, and invites artists, practitioners, theoreticians and advanced students from the fields of dance, theatre, performance, visual arts, new media, film, music, architecture and other extended practices in art and […]

Mapping techno-colonialism

We have created a collaborative map to map Techno-colonialism.Through workshops we will identify what exactly is technocolonialism, and what is its territory. This map will be the reflection of the participatory research that will be done, where we will show from the e-waste dumps, the origin of the materials from which electronic devices are produced, where they are produced, who […]

Some thoughts that came out during the workshop Techno-colonialism

On Saturday July 8th, we conducted an online workshop as part of “Cuerpxs difusxs y parentescos distribuidos” in the framework of e-cuerpo: encuentro internacional de arte y tecnología wearable. During the workshop we had the presence of about 20 people, where we introduced the notion of technocolonialism as the intrusion of technology in a territory. But which territory has limits, […]