Some thoughts that came out during the workshop Techno-colonialism

On Saturday July 8th, we conducted an online workshop as part of “Cuerpxs difusxs y parentescos distribuidos” in the framework of e-cuerpo: encuentro internacional de arte y tecnología wearable. During the workshop we had the presence of about 20 people, where we introduced the notion of technocolonialism as the intrusion of technology in a territory. But which territory has limits, […]

Technocolonialisme: e-déchets “Por la boca muere el pez”

On va participer dans le cycle de conférences “Corps diffus et parentés distribuées” organisé par e-cuerpo. Espace où nous partagerons différentes visions afin d’imaginer tout futur possible, pour cela il est nécessaire de revenir aux arts de la vie, à une conception en dehors de toute cartographie sensorielle-corporelle-culturelle hégémonique des espèces ? Créer une nouvelle histoire des sens. La conférence […]

THE MEETING “Transdisciplinary challenges: a tribute to Lynn Margulis and Karin Ohlenschläger”.

February 11 is the International Day of Women and Girls in Science.On the eve of this great date set by the United Nations, the MEETING “Transdisciplinary Challenges: Tribute to Lynn Margulis and Karin Ohlenschläger” will take place, an inspiring activity organized by Metabolik Planet Program, supported by the Fundación para el Conocimiento Madri+d and the Universidad Complutense, with the aim […]

Technology in a time of upheaval

On Thursday 20 October at the Instituto Cervantes, we started a conversation that we hope will continue on the theme of new technologies and their social impact. The aim was to provide a framework for the ‘Thinking Technology‘ workshop series where we want to critically analyse the impact that technology has on our lives, the technological illusion created by the […]

Conférence: “La technologie au temps du bouleversement”

Animation: Carolina García Cataño Date: Jeudi 20 octobre Heure: 18:30h Lieu: Instituto Cervantes (125, Av. Cheikh Anta Diop , Dakar (10700)) Comment les imaginaires du futur sont construits par la technologie. Comment la connaissance est produite? Comment les données sont collectées et qui y a accès? Qui cree les algorithmes qui gèrent nos vies? Avec une vision critique des technologies […]

Atelier: le corps et la technologie dans le processus de la migration

Animation: Fatou Cissé et Carolina García-Cataño Date: Samedi 22 octobre Heure: 14h à 17h Lieu: Instituto Cervantes (125, Av. Cheikh Anta Diop , Dakar (10700)) Le nombre de participant(e)s est limité à 25, SVP inscrivez vous à l’avance. La technologie a pris les rênes de la vie quotidienne, chaque action que nous faisons, chaque geste que nous accomplissons passe presque […]

Body and technology

In the moment where everything is turning virtual, and “technology” is taking over our lives, we are committed to recovering the body, putting it at the center to redefine the relationship between body and technology, to understand how technology is changing us as it becomes part of us but listening to what our body has to say about it. We […]

Future imaginations

We are witnessing a kind of global collapse, from climate change, to the crisis of representative democracies, to the intrusion of technology into people’s private lives, fake news, or COVID19 pandemic. There are no articulated answers to this global collapse, that can show a clear path to follow. Technological solutionism wants to create the illusion everything can be solve through […]

Colonialism and technology

When we think about colonialism we tend to follow a standard definition of what it is, more or less what Wikipedia defines as Colonialism is a practice or policy of control by one people or power over other people or areas, often by establishing colonies and generally with the aim of economic dominance. In the process of colonisation, colonisers may […]