Festival Women in Exile « No borders, No lagers », intersectional arts & culture – 2024

This summer Nit Tekna Logik, together with Centre Kiné Diop, was invited to Women in Exile’s Festival No borders, No lagers, intersectional arts & culture festival. The festival took place between the 23rd and 25th August 2024 in Oranienplatz, Berlin (Germany).The goal of the festival is to stand against racism, sexism and discrimination against refugee women and children, in particular […]

Women’s workshop in the framework of La ville en mouv’ment

On Saturday 25th May, in the framework of the Rencontres performatives La ville en mouv’ment coordinated by Fatou Cissé, we held a workshop with the girls and women of Dalifort and the Kiné Diop centre.The workshop was moderated by the Burkinabe dancer/choreographer Esther Tarbangdo, who invited the participants to perform various body exercises to bring out different emotions, such as […]

Future imaginations workshop Dakar 2024

On Saturday 18 May, Nit Tekna Logik organised a workshop entitled ‘Imagining the future’ with GIE Ngare Yone, a group of women from Hann Capa, as part of the Heinrich Böll Foundation Senegal’s sustainable urban development project. The workshop lasted all day, starting at 9.30am with a group of 16 women, an intergenerational group that included schoolchildren, university students, shopkeepers […]

Workshop Jigéen laa ci laa bokk

On Wednesday July 1st and Thursday July 2nd, 2023, the Centre Kiné Diop, Melokaan and Nit Tekna Logik collaborated to organize a workshop for students of CEM-Dalifort. The aim was to reflect on the roles socially associated with women, and to find out whether they agree or disagree with these roles.We didn’t want to do a round-table discussion, but a […]

THE MEETING “Transdisciplinary challenges: a tribute to Lynn Margulis and Karin Ohlenschläger”.

February 11 is the International Day of Women and Girls in Science.On the eve of this great date set by the United Nations, the MEETING “Transdisciplinary Challenges: Tribute to Lynn Margulis and Karin Ohlenschläger” will take place, an inspiring activity organized by Metabolik Planet Program, supported by the Fundación para el Conocimiento Madri+d and the Universidad Complutense, with the aim […]

“From breaking borders to building bridges” an International Women’s Conference

Between August 4 and 7, Centre Kiné Diop was invited to the conference organized by Women in Exile in Berlin, a self-organized refugee women’s group, which has been working for the empowerment of refugee women for 20 years, took place. To celebrate their 20th anniversary, they organized an international women’s conference where the Centre Kiné Diop (a project supported by […]

Kiné Diop Center: Education through free technology

At Niit Tekna Logic we like to talk more about education than training, because we think that although training allows us to transmit knowledge, it is important to think about how this knowledge is transmitted, so that it becomes a process of personal empowerment, where we gain self-confidence and become a little freer. As facilitators of this process of knowledge […]