Editor's Choice

Workshop Jigéen laa ci laa bokk

On Wednesday July 1st and Thursday July 2nd, 2023, the Centre Kiné Diop, Melokaan and Nit Tekna Logik collaborated to organize a workshop for students of CEM-Dalifort. The aim was to reflect on the roles socially associated with women, and to find out whether they agree or disagree with these roles.We didn’t want to do a round-table discussion, but a […]

Mapping techno-colonialism

We have created a collaborative map to map Techno-colonialism.Through workshops we will identify what exactly is technocolonialism, and what is its territory. This map will be the reflection of the participatory research that will be done, where we will show from the e-waste dumps, the origin of the materials from which electronic devices are produced, where they are produced, who […]

Some thoughts that came out during the workshop Techno-colonialism

On Saturday July 8th, we conducted an online workshop as part of “Cuerpxs difusxs y parentescos distribuidos” in the framework of e-cuerpo: encuentro internacional de arte y tecnología wearable. During the workshop we had the presence of about 20 people, where we introduced the notion of technocolonialism as the intrusion of technology in a territory. But which territory has limits, […]

Technocolonialisme: e-déchets “Por la boca muere el pez”

On va participer dans le cycle de conférences “Corps diffus et parentés distribuées” organisé par e-cuerpo. Espace où nous partagerons différentes visions afin d’imaginer tout futur possible, pour cela il est nécessaire de revenir aux arts de la vie, à une conception en dehors de toute cartographie sensorielle-corporelle-culturelle hégémonique des espèces ? Créer une nouvelle histoire des sens. La conférence […]

“La ville en mouv’ment” Performative meetings 4th edition (2023)

“La Ville en Mouv’ment” is a series of interdisciplinary collaborations between Senegalese and international artists to bring contemporary performance art to public spaces, during intensive one- to two-week programmes in Dakar and its suburbs. Many artists have always expressed themselves through investigations as well as concrete actions in response to emergencies. This programme, which has been running for 4 years, […]

Free technologies and social and solidarity economy

The Global Forum for Social and Solidarity Economy, organized by the GSEF, took place from May 1 to 6, 2023. The GSEF (Global Forum for Social and Solidarity Economy) is an international organization of local governments and civil society networks committed to promoting the social and solidarity economy (SSE) as a means of achieving inclusive and sustainable local development. This […]

2nd edition of digital communication and project management training for artists and cultural actors – April 2023

The training took place at Kaddu Yaraax / Centre Culturel Hann Bel-Air from April 3rd to 14th, 2023,and was supported by the City of Dakar. The goal of this project is to strengthen artists and cultural agents capacities in order to promote the formalization and professionalization of the Senegalese cultural sector by improving their skills in project management and online […]

La deuxième édition de la formation pour renforcement de capacités numériques et de gestion de projets pour les artistes et les acteurs culturels

La deuxième édition de la formation pour renforcement de capacités numériques et de gestion de projets pour les artistes et les acteurs culturels sera mis en place au Centre Culturel Hann Bel-Air du 3 au 14 avril 2023 et est soutenu par les Fond d’appui de la Ville de Dakar. Cette formation intensive consiste en une série d’ateliers sur différentes […]

THE MEETING “Transdisciplinary challenges: a tribute to Lynn Margulis and Karin Ohlenschläger”.

February 11 is the International Day of Women and Girls in Science.On the eve of this great date set by the United Nations, the MEETING “Transdisciplinary Challenges: Tribute to Lynn Margulis and Karin Ohlenschläger” will take place, an inspiring activity organized by Metabolik Planet Program, supported by the Fundación para el Conocimiento Madri+d and the Universidad Complutense, with the aim […]

Organic cities

Pre-print available: García Cataño, C. (in press) Organic cities. In J. Ramos & B. Dahiya (Eds.), Planetary Cities: Future-hacking the Urban. Springer To my father who so often takes me for a walk in the future AbstractThis text aims to contribute to the creation of a new imaginary of planetary cities, as well asprovides references to existing theories and experiences of […]